Hello ♥ Still trying to keep my promise abt. bloggin' as much as possible - but these days my mood doesn't allow me to write much. I won't give u any details, cause they would probably confuse u more than it would give u a reasonable explanation. Anyway; I've been reading kinda a lot lately, compared to what I've read in a long time. So I though I'd tell u a little abt. the good books that I've come across. Let's start with my least favorite of two: It's titled Fallen. It's abt. a 17-year-old girl called Luce. After her boyfriend's mysterious death, she's placed in a boarding school for difficult adolescents. Here she meets and fall in love with the handsome, mysterious - and in the beginning; arrogant - Daniel. Luce is haunted by creepy shadow-creatures, who she thinks is the cause of her late boyfriend's death. She discovers that Daniel is a fallen angel and their love story goes way back. Every 17th year she returns to Daniel - same appearance, same personality, same passion for Daniel - but this time something is different and she can no longer be reborn into the normal cycles that keeps the earth in balance. Now she's faced with a otherworldly war between good and evil. I'd only recommend this for anyone with loads of patience; the story starts of very slowly and the first half consist mostly of personal characteristics, environment descriptions, longing and wondering. The language is fluid and straightforward. ★★★★★ The second one is titeledHUSH HUSH(forelsket i en engel) - This is another novel(or series?) to the many teenagers who devour vampire- and high school-series. It will without a doubt, easily find its audience. Anyways; this time it's 16-year-old Nora. Constantly within a personal crisis: she is so attracted, but at the same time utterly frightened by mysterious Path, who suddenly becomes har partner in biology class. Strange things starts to happen after they meet, and she's either becoming completely insane or someone is truly following and trying to kill her. The language is kinda knotty and cumbersome, and the characters are not very reliable, but the exciting action and romantic atmosphere sure got to me! Wouldn't recommend it if u're touchy when it comes to the language, but if u're willing enough to look pass that u'll discover that the story leaves u hungering for more. ★★★★★
This is my first time reviewing anything so bear with me, kkthxbaii♥
Okay okay,February didn't go as planned when it comes to blogging. But I'm gonna try something new: and that is to blog in English. Not saying that I'll do much better with number of posts I make, but I promise to at least try. Since the last post - where I actually wrote something - I've been doing all sorts of things. School isn't much better so I'll just leave that part out. But I've celebrated my brother's 18th bday ♥ Which was waay awesome! Didn't even know he knew that many people lawl. Of course Mia & Kasper were invited so I hung out with them and a few drinks. Then we met a girl called Kim - she was cool.
Today Mia and I met up after class - of course ! I was supposed to find a gift for a very good friend of mine and she wanted to help me out, so I thought I'd treat her with dinner. None of us had the chance of getting any breakfast this morning so we were kinda starving and ordered A LOT!♥ Even the waiter looked at us like he never seen anything like that, haha! And we were like "yea, well we're hungry, OKAY!". And to be honest, I couldn't even finish my plate this evening. After lunch we went hunting for the present - we found something kinda awesome! And I won't tell u yet in case she actually read this, cause then there'll be no surprise, right~ but any girl would know how to spent this. And of course I don't go anywhere without spending a little on something for myself, so I bought some Wonka candy↑↑↑♥ It's so unbelievable amazing ! It's like fireworks in ur mouth, the taste just explodes. So mega delicious, omg. Also, I needed to refill my hair-product storage and I just received a giftcard to Matas from the one I was buying the gift for, so I went crazy.
Yea, I kinda like got2be products. That's the only product that actually make my hair stay the way I want it. Tomorrow after work I'm going to Metropol to see the school I'll attend to after the summer holidays with Mia. Looking forward to it ♥